The Coaches

Rodger Price

Rodger is on a journey of faith.  As a husband to Amanda since 1979, a father of two and a grandfather of two, he started his career in the automotive engineering world for Oldsmobile.  After six years with GM, Rodger made a move to Holland, Michigan, to work for Prince Corporation, an automotive supplier committed to Christian values and people development.

After six years in engineering for Prince, Rodger took part in a career development class and discovered his belief that he might really be a teacher.  In 1994 he entered an experiment to move from the engineering world to the people development world.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Ever since this move, Rodger has committed his vocational efforts to understanding himself better, understanding what makes others tick, and understanding what it is that makes certain leaders especially successful and others not so much.

He now works for Leading by Design helping pastors and other leaders become more fruitful in their own ministries and professions.  He also commits a portion of his life to leading at the local Boys and Girls Club as a way to engage in local mission work.

Meredith Nieuwsma

Meredith wants to be God’s instrument in all she does. She’s been married to Josh since 2001. They have a young daughter and an old dog (a great mix).

Meredith started her career in publishing as an online editor, and then bounced around in a few different jobs before coming to the Reformed Church in America (RCA) in 2005 as the Administrative Assistant to Development. Shortly after that, she moved into IT and served as the database manager for the RCA.

During her time as the Database Manager, Meredith was given the opportunity to go through the Foundations of Christian Leadership program at Duke Divinity School. Meredith knew that God was calling her to do something else, but not quite sure where to go or what to do. The Foundations program awakened a growing interest in leadership development.

Both Rodger and Meredith are coaches at Leading By Design

Leading by Design


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